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the Emperor's New Groove

Updated: Apr 7

The Emperor's New Groove was released on December 15th, 2000. It is a comedy about a young Emperor turned into a llama. Emperor Kuzco (David Spade) is a young selfish ruler, it isn’t until Yzma (Eartha Kitt) with the help of her henchmen with a heart Kronk (Patrick Warburton) tries to kill him to take over the empire. Kronk mixed the poison with the llama potion. To get rid of Kuzco permanently Kronk has a change of heart and just tries to throw him away, but instead loses him to Pacha (John Goodman). When Pacha gets home and realizes that it’s Kuzco he offers to help him back on the condition that a plan of Kuzco’s changes. Kuzco, still being selfish, lies about changing his mind just to get back to his palace, but throughout the journey, he realizes how much his actions affect not just the people he is closest to, but his entire empire. The original plot was to have it be like The Prince and the Pauper where Owen Wilson was going to change places with David Spade the movie would have been called Empire of the Sun and the plot was that Eartha Kit would still be Ezma whose plan was to snuff out the light, which was a scraped song that didn’t make it into the Emperors new groove, as well as the fact that the entire movie was changed because Disney didn’t like the story and they at the time were trying to beat DreamWorks Road to El Dorado which also takes place in a similar fictional ancient civilization of the Aztec Empire. This is one of my favorite Disney movies growing up. I thought the characters were funny as a kid, but as an adult, I find it even more funny. From the technological side, it is one of the last of hand-drawn animation which I miss in modern animation, this film also spawned a sequel and a TV series, the interesting thing about this era is everything we can do for this specific franchise to milk it to its entirety. The TV series was ok it had its moments the premise of that is Cuzco went back to school and if he can’t graduate he can’t be emperor The sequel or more like a spinoff of Kronk’s New Grove follows Kronk as he tries to get approval from his father. There was of course a video game adaptation, which is nothing like the film at all. This movie was my first take on Fourth Wall breaks for those that don’t know a Fourth Wall joke is when a character in a film interacts with the audience, this can be from just looking at the screen directly or talking with the audience. To connect this review with my Deadpool review think what Deadpool does, but at the innocent. To wrap this review up in the simplest way The Emperors New Grove is an excellent very early 2000s film that had a lot of fun and memorable moments that have stuck with me well into my 20’s in my opinion it is one of the greatest movies from my childhood.                                  


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